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Why You Should Create Your Own Mlm Lead List

Maybe you are looking around and considering purchasing some mlm leads It's maybe not surprising the number of individuals who consider this option as a way to get more new recruits into their business, but please check this article out first and take a look at the lead generation method I will offer you before you decide to spend any money on leads.

I know some marketers who have bought leads before, but personally I never have and for good reason. Many of them have not had good experiences and have ended up wasting their money and energy in trying to recruit them into their business. It's a sad fact that most of the time these so called 'qualified' leads turn out to be a complete waste of time with the recruitment rate somewhere between 0 & 0.5%!

Over the last few years there have been so many new companies popping up offering leads for purchase. Having been involved in the mortgage industry previously I have bought leads before and I ran into the same problem, the leads were an absolute waste of time. Network marketing leads are no better, in reality I think they are even worse.

If you are thinking of buying mlm leads then allow me to show you a better way. Bear in mind that these lead lists that are being sold are available to other folks as well and have been already overworked. Many of these leads are sourced from market research, the prospect would have at some point filled out some kind of question and answer form. Because they are very generic they fail to qualify prospects sufficiently. Lead companies take a very hit and miss approach to deciding on what niche to sell these leads to.

One of the biggest issues when following up with lead lists is that they have had no previous contact with you, so to them you are just another annoying sales person. The majority of these leads will only have completed a non specific general web form or offline form. Why would they take you seriously? there has been no previous interaction and relationship building. The whole point of prospecting (if you're doing it right) is to build a relationship and trust with your prospect, this is achieved using attraction marketing .

In my honest opinion you will not be making the best use of your time and marketing budget by trying to convert these so called 'mlm leads'. By creating your own leads and targeted prospects you will have far more success, this is readily done online if you know what you're doing. By investing some time in your education and implementing some proven strategies you can easily create your own constant stream of leads. These will be YOUR leads, people that have an affiliation with you and are ready and open to your communication. This is a really cool method that you can use for your network marketing business starting today.


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